The day after we brought Westin home for the first time, I found myself having the most miserable 4 hours ever in the ER. I felt pretty miserable with a fever the Sunday of conference weekend. Skyler took my temperature about a million times and it kept fluctuating but would stay pretty high. Skyler called the on-call doctor but we decided to just wait it out and see if I felt better. Eventually at about 2am on Monday morning Skyler called the doctor again and she reccomended we go to the ER to get me checked out. I was miserable with the chills. I couldn't even help get Westin ready. I could barely pull my hair up with a hair tie. To make matters worse, this night was FREEZING! Luckily it only takes us a few minutes to get to the hospital. When we arrived, the first thing I had to do before I could be admitted was fill out paperwork and answer lots of questions. I hate this!
Once I was admitted I had lots of tests done. I had blood and urine tests done, an ultrasound (to rule out anything from the birth being left behind), and an x-ray. I remember being a bit snappy to everyone that came in the room. I remember the doctor's surprised reaction with a response I had given him. I guess I get this way when I'm in pain and miserable. Sorry about that!
After 4 hours and a dose of antibiotics, we were able to go home, but unfortunately with no answer to why I had such a high fever. I thought it might be related to a shot I had been given the day before, or maybe even because I was engorged. These can sometimes cause fevers. The next day I went to see my obstetrician and she found nothing. And ever since then, the fever hasn't come back, thank goodness. I guess I'll never know!