Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy News!!!

This is old news to lots of you, but I know there are some friends and family who haven't yet heard and I wanted to share our news with you!

We're going to have a baby!!!

Yay! We're absoluely thrilled. I will be 11 weeks in a few days. I went to my first appointment and was told everything looks nice and healthy thus far. Atleast one of us is! I've been pretty out of it, to say the least, for the last 3 weeks or so. That's why I haven't blogged much or done much of anything lately. Anyways, we'll be sure to keep you all posted throughout!


Stephanie said...


How exciting!

So are you still up for a photo swap the first of April?

Brett - Rachel B said...

Super Exciting! So happy for you! Life is about to get SO GOOD!

Mandi Roth said...

I'm so excited for you!! I already knew! But wanted to leave you some love!! Congrats!

jamiejammers said...

That is so so exciting!! I love to hear happy fun news!! HOpe you get feeling better!!

Nicolette said...

Thanks everyone!!

Steph- yes, I'd still love to do that. I love the idea, hopefully I can get feelin' pretty cuz I don't right now!:)

Kenley and Mel said...

Congrats Nicolette that is so exciting!!! I am so happy for you two.