Saturday, February 27, 2010


Now that I've been able to catch my breath for a minute, I just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that we've moved into our new apartment (for the most part). Some of you know and some of you don't, that we're moving from Salt Lake City to Kaysville. This is the town (or I should say city... it's growing way too fast) that I, Nicolette, grew up in for those of you who don't know that. It's about 25 miles north of Salt Lake. I'm excited to be back in my hometown. We're not sure how long we'll be here; maybe a year or two, before we hopefully move on to bigger and better, but I'm really looking forward to living so close to my family (especially since I'm there all the time and I practially live there anyways), oh and the space, so much space. The space is the best part... so much of it! PS- I have so much to catch up on! Once we're settled in a little bit more, I'll catch y'all up on the last 2 months!


satomblablabla said...

omg, you moved! wow, i didn't know that… granted it's not that far. that's exciting!

Heather said...

Good old K-town! What part are you guys in? I'm sure your mom is happy about it and easy for dropping the kiddo off for a night out.

Kittyrunner said...

How fun! Ben's family is from Roy--pretty close. I'm glad you get to be closer to family and have tons of space to live in! So great!