Monday, August 4, 2008

Congratulations Bradley

A court of honor was held for Bradley yesterday where he was awarded his badge and officially became an Eagle Scout. We are very proud of you Brad!

He makes me feel short! Hard to believe he's almost 6 years younger than me!

Brad will be putting his mission papers in very shortly. It's hard to believe my little brother is now old enough to go on a mission! Crazy! We will be nervous with anticipation to see where he goes!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That is very exciting. He is pretty tall. i can't believe he is younger. Let us know when he goes on a mission. How great.

thebelnapfam said...

Cute was fun to see you and your family lastnight...I am glad you are doing well!!!

Brett - Rachel B said...

I'm so proud of Bradley. What a good solid kid. You'll have to do a big bloggin on where he goes on his mission. Or take bets, I hope he comes to California- this state needs help!