Thursday, August 28, 2008

One stopy blog reading

I thought I would share a little something to make your blog reading life a little more enjoyable. I'm sure many of you already know about this, but if you don't you'll love this. It's called Google Reader. Simply put, Google Reader is a way for you to just check one page (instead of ALL of your friends and families blogs) to see whos blog has been updated. All you have to do is "subscribe" to the site, or just copy and paste their blog address, as well as all the blogs you like to read, and when you check the page, it will tell you if they have updated it or not. It also allows you to read their blog right from that same page as well. One stop blog reading! However, sometimes I will click on the persons actual blog once I see it's been updated. Just thought I'd share this little bit of information that has made my own blogging life a little easier.


Anonymous said...

that's awesome.. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Dude, Google Reader saved my life.